Tuesday 21 April 2015

1 Week Free - The Benefits

For one week only, HelpKidzLearn is free. It allows access to all available Games and Activities.  HelpKidzLearn offers a wealth of activities that are added regularly to provide schools and parents with an affordable way of providing fresh and stimulating learning activities for children with special educational needs.

Early Years

Activities in the Early Years section are designed for young learners, with visual impairment and complex needs and for those at the early stages of interaction with a computer. They include activities for sensory exploration, with big bold colours and fun sound effects to engage with, stimulate and encourage early interaction. They teach cause and effect understanding that, with a touch of the screen or a press of a switch to make something happen. They also develop targeting and accuracy with early touch skills activities and learn to take turns and play with others with our fun 2 player games.

Our "Games" are designed to be motivating and engaging for the child to help gain and maintain attention skills. Most activities require the student to watch the screen carefully and respond at an appropriate time. This is very useful for timing skills or students using switches. Included are activities that introduce choice making and other skills such as matching and visual memory, to more challenging one and 2 player games for advanced access practice.


Our Story section is aimed at supporting the development of language, communication, literacy and numeracy skills using easy access.Activities include songs and stories that require the student to interact to get more, or continue the story/song. Graphics and animations are specifically designed to be visually accessible and very simple to understand. Songs are designed with familiar or easy to remember tunes and simple language. All songs count up or down from 0-5. Stories allow the opportunity for teachers, therapists and carers to model and provide vocabulary appropriate to the students current language level.

In the creative section, the student has the chance to really express themselves while improving their access skills. It is designed to encourage exploration and experimentation - from simple mark making and colouring activities, to music playing and puzzle completion. Most activities allow free choice so that you can create your own card to send to a loved one. It also includes activities to introduce and develop switch scanning skills and lots of touch access to help practice and improve accuracy and control. It is great for teaching error-less and free choice making skills.

Find Out
This section is based around being presented with choices and making decisions. They encourage students to think about the selections they have made and to solve problems. Most activities have a right and wrong answer and are great for introducing choice making with consequences and control. We also have activities that are useful for practicing switch scanning skills, developing basic keyboard skills and also encouragement when speaking and listening.

Join Free Now http://www.helpkidzlearn.com/join-free?aref=WGNTZTHS

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