Wednesday 26 September 2018

[NEW] ChooseIt! Readymades Online.

NEW Online Service available on HelpKidzLearn!

Multiple choice, play-based curriculum activities that provide a secure foundation for learning and are accessible for all students!

New ChooseIt! Readymades contains 640 multiple choice activities comprising over 14,000 questions on topics including Numeracy, Literacy and Science.


Students can grasp numeracy concepts through a variety of play experiences. They can begin to develop early language for measurement, shapes, spaces, positions, early numbers, patterns and more. 


Develop an early understanding of letter formation and sounds. With spoken reinforcement and full auditory support included to better enable students to improve their early communication skills. 


Science activities provide positive reinforcement in a safe environment that allows students to truly master topics including living things, materials, forces and electricity and more. 

We are offering early subscribers to ChooseIt! Readymades the opportunity to receive a discount! This offer will not last forever.

Enter voucher code


during checkout to receive 20% off your initial subscription.